Getting started

The problem

How do you create and organise components in a way that is scalable and maintainable over time?

Imagine you’ve been tasked with designing a page hero. Having no other context or information to go on, you came up with the most conventional design ever.

A conventional page hero UI

Excellent work! Now using a component-first mindset, you create a button component and a hero component.

The hero takes some props:

  • title
  • intro
  • button text
  • button url

This is awesome! It’s turned a bunch of HTML into a simple one-liner.

  title="Page title"
  intro="Lorem ipsum dolor [...etc]"
  button-text="Main action"

A little while later a new request comes in for a slightly different hero – a yellow variant with a new button style.

The page hero with a yellow background

Easy, you add a prop to the hero to control the background colour and another one to pass the new button variant to the button.

It’s a couple more props, but it’s not too bad.

  title="Page title"
  intro="Lorem ipsum dolor [...etc]"
  button-text="Main action"

This component is pretty neat, now it’s getting more powerful and can support more variations!

Over the months, more requirements come in and more props get added. Different teams have different requirements and they all need to use the component.

  • Eyebrow text is added above the page title.
  • A second smaller paragraph gets added below the intro (this one has links in it too).
  • The marketing team wanted a way to feature multiple buttons of different types (sometimes they are buttons, sometimes links).
  • The SEO team decide the eyebrow needs to be the h1 and the “page title” text actually needs to be a p for maximum search power.

The hero component with all the possible features

  title="Page title"
  intro="Lorem ipsum dolor [...etc]"
  button-text="Main action"
  button-rel="noopener noreferrer"
  eyebrow="Eyebrow text"
  secondary-button="Secondary action"
	<p slot="secondary-text">
		Suspendisse sed dictum dolor, at hendrerit nibh. 
    Curabitur euismod ipsum ut mi 
    <a href="#">elementum interdum</a>.

This component is getting out of hand.

It’s riddled with conditional statements and testing the different combinations of props gets increasingly awkward. We would have done better just writing this out with HTML.

There must be a better way!


The solution